It is important for us to be a reliable business partner for you. Each certificate proves different requirements. The purpose of the ISO certificate is, among other things, to ensure quality services and compliance with set standards. In this article, we will give you an idea about the specific certificates that we have obtained and that we regularly successfully defend.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) – a standard serving as a reference model for basic governance process settings in organisations to assist continuous improvement of quality of the products manufactured and/or the services provided for maximum customer satisfaction, for strategic management and risk management and control. The standard is process oriented. Like the other ISO standards, this one also requires subsequent certification of the implemented management system (processes) in the organisation. The resulting certificate is acknowledged internationally and guarantees a specific maturity and advancement level of the certified organisation.

Benefits of ISO 9001 Standard

We have set a risk control system and effective measures addressing the identified risks.

We have set effective processes for our customers (with the emphasis on quality of our products and services provided to them)

Strategic company management and decision-making are linked with our operation processes.

All organisational relations are defined.

We have supported corporate leadership (by a bigger emphasis on management and leadership than on formal correctness of documentation).

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System (EMS) is the most respected and most widely used standard for environment control systems worldwide. This standard requires from the organisation to identify all environmental impacts of its activities, including the related aspects. In addition, the standard defines environment protection objectives and introduces measures for improved environmental performance in the form of process improvement in high-priority areas.

Benefits of ISO 14001 Standard

We had decided to pay attention to environmental impacts of our activities. Subsequently we had to fulfil certain requirements.

We have defined our environmental policy.

We have specified activities with an environmental impact.

Our company follows existing and intended legislative and other requirements related to environment protection and they are continuously incorporated in our processes.

We have defined long-term goals of our environmental policy.

Our employees are regularly educated in this area.

We monitor and measure environmental impacts and we take preventive measures accordingly.

ISO 27001 - Information Security Management System (ISMS) provides for keeping confidentiality, integrity, as well as availability of information together with legislative compliance. ISO 27001 certification is an appropriate and acceptable instrument for every organisation expected to assure systematic and reliable security of in-house and client electronic or printed data. ISMS is an internationally applicable standard defining requirements for the information security management system, including but not limited to security control of corporate confidential information concerning its employees, processes, IT systems and strategies. The latest version of ISO 27001 standard of 2013 guarantees compliance with the currently applicable legislative requirements (including but not limited to personal data protection). Building a systemic approach provides for increased security and reduces the risk of sensitive information leaks.

Benefits of ISO 27001 Standard

We have identified potential risks and threats of information loss and leaks and adopted controlled minimisation of these risks. ISMS standard provides the organisation with means and methods for increasing the level of security of the processed and stored information.

ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) manifests responsibility for occupational health and safety of employees and other people performing works under their guidance. For that reason, the organisation is obliged to provide: a safe workplace, accident prevention and related issues, prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses together with systematic improvement of performance of the OHS system within the organisation.

Benefits of ISO 45001 Standard

We continuously identify workplace dangers and carry out effective preventive inspections.

We keep reducing risks of occupational injuries and effects of poor health condition.

We define areas for training and competence requirements.

Prevention of injuries and illness of our employees and contractors is our priority.

We increase productivity and support corporate responsibility.

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